The classic story from the early days of rome where there are no women. As a child, i was fascinated by muscle men now called body builders. Find where to watch romulus and the sabines and many more fulllength movies from the best streaming services online. Barns full of cars including rare ferraris, and porsches.
Romulus, founder and then king of rome, had built an impressive city, but there was a shortage of women. Steve reeves stars as romulus and gordon scott as remus in this classic story of twin brothers that were raised by wolves. Steve reeves and gordon scott play romulus and remus, warrior brothers who were raised by wolves and later became bitter rivals over the daughter of the king of the sabines. The videos are primarily collected from my dvd collection. Jun 21, 2016 download romulus and the sabines 1961 movie link. The rape of the sabine 1961 full movie streaming full hd. After all, moore was always my favorite bond actor and this movie also starred french actress mylene demongeot as a sabine vestal virgin. Romulus and the sabines is an italian adventure comedy film from 1961, directed by richard pottier, written by edoardo anton, starring roger moore and jean marais. In fact, that is the problem there are only men in early rome. With carroll baker, roger moore, walter slezak, vittorio gassman. Roger moore filmography, movie list, tv shows and acting career. The real name of this movie is romulus and the sabines. A young roger moore is convincing as romulus, and like all of these types of movies. The theater opened in 1947, closed in 1986, and has now been reopened as the many community center.
Download free featurette harry potter years 1 5 movie in hd 0807. Watch online romulus and the sabines 1961 full movie. With roger moore, mylene demongeot, giorgia moll, scilla gabel. Romulus and the sabines tell us the storyline about. Even if you dont gauge warriors worth on a movie by movie basis, the collection works out to less than a quarter per movie if purchased through amazon. Il ratto delle sabine aka the rape of the sabines d. Roger moore and scilla gabel in the film romulus and the sabines. Rape of the sabines, the 1962 trailer 1080p youtube.
The sabine theater many, louisiana movie theater facebook. A mandatory credit to the film company and photographer if. The rape of the sabine is an italian adventure comedy film from 1961, directed by richard pottier, written by edoardo anton, starring roger moore and jean marais. Roger moore filmography including movies from released projects, in theatres, in production and upcoming films. Its from the mill creek 50 movie warriors collection. The high priestess rhea silvia, daughter of the murdered king of alba longa, bears twin sons by the god mars and places the babies, romulus and remus, into the river. On yet another version, tarpeia is said to have been a roman heroine who played a role in saving the city in the war between romans and sabines, who had been provoked by romulus abduction of sabine women to provide wives for romes men. King numitor is seated on the throne of alba longa, curtain up. Amulius enters brother, you have been working very hard, why dont you take a holiday. Il ratto delle sabine is an italian adventure comedy film from 1961, directed by richard pottier, written by edoardo anton, starring roger moore and jean marais. Roger moore portrays the legendary romulus in his efforts to establish the city of rome with thieves, rebels. Lenlevement des sabines, by richard pottier, chronicles the problem of the men in early rome. Roger moore, jean marais, romulus and the sabines, 1961 stock photo.
Romulus and remus play script by abigael age 11 scene 1. The postulant, devoted to the statue of the virgin mary. Read about this painting, learn the key facts and zoom in to discover more. Romulus and the sabines 1961 is not only a tale of romes founding written with true wit, but the viewer gets the treat of seeing a pre007 even presaint roger moore as romulus. They grow up together and fight side by side until the day they meet julia virna lisi, a daughter of the king of sabines, and decide that they both want her hand in marriage. Il ratto delle sabine is a 1945 italian comedy film directed by mario bonnard and starring toto, carlo campanini and clelia matania. Venere, jean marais marte, roger moore romulus, scilla gabel dusia. Before leaving, he asks her to leave the convent and marry him. Tonights program is a free patriotic show and its standing room only. Download free romulus and the sabines movie in hd 0735. I am a fan of these movies and i wish they were all in their original widescreen format. Jeanmarc barr plays a young german who aspires for a job as a street conductor. Romulus and the sabines 1961 the rape of the sabine women 1962 about the rape of the sabine women dir.
Tarpeian rock of the capitoline hill, ancient rome. No matter how that sounds, he is not a nazi sympathizer or even particularly pro. Typical sword and sandal movie made in italy during the late 50s and 60s. The sabine tribe battles romulus in the early days of rome after. The sabine tribe battles romulus in the early days of rome after romans seize their women as unwilling brides. Jean marais il ratto delle sabine 1961 c8cgj9 from alamys library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. An italian adventure film starring roger moore as romulus in the early days of rome. Duel of champions 1961 with alan ladd as horatius and robert keith as tullus hostilius. Peter paul rubens the rape of the sabine women ng38. Romulus and remus dvd 1961 shop our classic dvds movie. The american, named leo, doesnt quite know what hes doing there. Its a sword and sandal move thats for sure, and one of the better ones i have seen.
Roger moore, mylene demongeot, folco lulli, georgia moll, scilla gabel, luisa mattioli, marino mase, claude conty, nietta zocchi, francis blanche, walter barnes, rosanna schiaffino, jean marais following on from the same years romolo e remo, romulus and the sabines is a roughly. Yr 1961 the rape of the sabine to mac free streaming via. Roman civilization serve as the setting for this tale in which romulus wolf kills. Nov 15, 2012 see more ideas about romulus and remus, twilight 2008 and rubens paintings. Europa retitled zentropa for the american release is an hallucinatory danish film set in postwar germany. Msn new zealand latest news, hotmail, outlook, photos and. Entertaining version of the mythic founding of rome there were three. The sabine men, of course, attack rome to get their wives and daughters back. Myth and society steps in to provide muchneeded modern and accessible translations and commentaries on italian legends. After finding some in sabinia, he proceeds to take them to his city and engage them to his men. He plans to marry into a prominent italian family and hires an englishman to serve as bodyguard for his lessthaneager fiancee. It was one of several of totos postwar comedies to use elements of neorealism. Romulus and the sabines 1961 thedullwoodexperiment. The legend of the abduction of the sabine women by the romans is described by several classical writers.
Jean marais il ratto delle sabine 1961 stock photo. Read the dogville movie synopsis, view the movie trailer, get cast and crew information, see movie photos, and more on movies. His city of thieves is populated entirely by men, and so romulus is convinced to find some ladies. With lorena velazquez, alex johnson, tere velazquez, wolf ruvinskis. Dexter fletcher to direct a movie about draculas henchman for universal exclusive.
From hell to texas western movie in full length, cowboy film free full westerns duration. Zentropa is a strange, haunting, labyrinthine film about a naive american in germany just after the end of world war ii. Their leader is the son of the war god mars and so the tendency is to fight first and ask questions later. The scholarly community has become increasingly aware of the differences between roman myths and the more familiar myths of greece. Period movie costumes that got it all wrong espresso.
Zentropa europa 1992 rotten tomatoes movie trailers. A duel between the two brothers ensues in the valley of the sevens hills the palatine hill, the capitoline hill, etc. Roger moore and mylene demongeot in romulus and the sabines 1961 romulus and. During the napoleonic era, in spain, a young postulant falls in love with a handsome british soldier who is recovering with others of his regiment after being wounded.
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